Melbourne Australia Temperatures in Fahrenheit and Celsius

What temperatures can you expect throughout the year?

Here are your current Melbourne Australia temperatures in Fahrenheit:

Yet, as you can see in the table below, Melbourne Australia actually has predictable seasons, unlike the more northerly Australian cities.

Melbourne is known to have four seasongs in one day! It is the wild mix of Arctic and desert influences that may make predicting a Melbourne weather forecast a day to day challenge. Nevertheless, we have here (to the relief of many of us from the northern hemisphere) a strong pattern of four seasons.

We have cool to mild spring weather (September to November), warm to hot dry summers (December to February), mild autumn weather (March to May) – my favourite season! - , and cool brisk and sometimes wet winters (June to August).

Compared to European cities, temperatures are mild, but not ‘the same’ throughout the year as in the more tropical Australian cities. This makes it interesting, - and gives you reason to dress differently for the four seasons.

Melbourne Temperatures

Melbourne Australia Temperatures

Average rainfall is 651 millimetres per year, much less than Sydney.

It rains on 100 days of the year. However, rarely is there a day when the sun does not come out. So, the rain on these days is usually scattered through the day and interspersed with bright blue skies – often very beautiful weather that brings out the colours of parks, roofs and buildings!

(Source: Bureau of Meteorology)

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