Visiting the Little Penguins -
Your Story

Phillip Island Penguins

Visiting the Little Penguins at Phillip Island is an unforgettable experience. Every night you can watch the penguin parade - hundreds to thousands penguins waddling from their day at sea, across the beach and dunes back into their burrows.

They live all around the southern shores of Australia and around New Zealand. Phillip Island Nature Park, southeast of Melbourne, is set up with viewing platforms and boardwalks to watch the penguins coming home without disturbing them.

At a height of just over 33cm they are the smallest and cutest penguin species. They are also called Fairy Penguins, and Little Blue Penguins, or in Maori Korora Zealand. They live off fish, squid and other small sea animals, for which they travel and dive quite extensively.

Some of the older ones are obviously tired after their day’s work…

Tell us of you visit of the Little Penguins!

What are your experiences with the Fairy Penguins? Do you have any story to tell of your Phillip Island visit? I’m sure other people would love to hear your tips of how to get the most out of the penguin parade.

Your Fairy Penguins Experiences

Highlight in Melbourne

by Jeanne Paules, Lancaster, Pa. USA

Just returned from my trip to Australia. One of the first thing we did was visit Philip Island to see the penguins-- they were a big hit. But I do want to mention, it was quite interesting to see all the kangroos hopping all over the island, an added treat!

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