Map of Melbourne

A map of Melbourne is essential in getting where you want to go – and not missing out on the things that are important to you. Melbourne is a big city, sprawling into all directions, particularly to the east and southeast.

City Map of Melbourne Australia

To get around the city you can get a free Melbourne city map from the tourist information office at Federation Square. This is fairly good if you are just visiting the city.

It shows you all important Melbourne tourist destinations. They also have a larger version showing the surrounding inner suburbs, which is useful as long as you don’t venture out beyond its boundary.

Here is a copy of the city map.

Melbourne Street Directory

If you are driving or want to venture into the Melbourne surroundings, you will need a street directory or electronic navigator. It is very funny. Even about this topic Melburnians are passionate.

There are a number of different street directories, which all do a fine job - but there is only one that made it into the Melbourne hearts. It is the Melway.

This is what people in Melbourne will most often refer to, and often a business gives you its location reference in Melway terms. It has become part of Melbourne culture and provides the common language.

Melbourne Maps for Public Transport and Car Travel

On public transport, following public transport maps will help you to navigate. Here is a map of the Metlink train system, and anther for the trams.

On weekend nights the NightRider busses provide a great alternative to getting home any time of the night without a car. Here is a map of where they take you.

Melbourne is serviced by a spider web of freeways that provide fast connections between the outer parts of Melbourne and the city – as long as you avoid peak hours.

This freeway map gives you information on the current congestion level of the freeways. Melbourne has been growing like crazy – and this is a tool to use.

If you can avoid it – to steer clear of the emotions of road rage or apathy – it’s best not to travel in peak times.

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